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Threadless 14K Yellow, White or Rose Gold
Description & Features:
This stunning "Live to Tell" features a striking Padparadscha Sapphire and rays reminiscent of the sun.
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Commonly worn in: earlobes, sensitive lobes, cartilage, helix, conch, tragus, monroe, medusa, philtrum, lip, labret
Search Keywords: bodyvision, 18g, 16g, 14g, tiny
Updated: 11/20/2024
My engagement ring has a padparadscha sapphire, so I like collecting other pieces that have that stone. This little sunbeam is gorgeous! I was going to put it in my flat, but after trying it in a few different places I’m actually currently liking it in my second lobes. The stone doesn’t pop as much as like a clear stone would, but I love the little touch of color and sparkle.